Phage Display

Phosphorylated Antibody Library Affinity Maturation Stable Cell Line Peptide Tags Custom Conjugation Cyclization Biological Testing Affinity Measurement Plasmid DNA Phage Display
 Antibody phage display library is a powerful tool for recombinant antibody preparation and antibody biosimilar development. Gxene Biotech knows that with quality in mind, you strive for efficiency. We have a mature antibody phage display platform, which can provide different levels and species of antibody phage display libraries for you. Our researchers have extensive experience in phage display technology and can construct phage display libraries with high capacity in a short period of time. Gxene Biotech uses various types of phage for multiple project objectives. Other services are provided to support your research, including protein expression, antibody production, phage library construction, affinity analysis, and antibody affinity maturation.

Human Antibody Phage Library:
Phage display is a laboratory technique for the study of protein–protein, protein–peptide, and protein–DNA interactions that use bacteriophages (viruses that infect bacteria) to connect proteins with the genetic information that encodes them. Natural human antibodies refer to a collection of unimmunized human peripheral blood lymphocyte mononuclear cells, then after a series of gene cloning, the CDR regions of the antibody are spliced to the phage coat protein gene for display. The phages containing high specificity and affinity antibody fragments are screened from the phage library through related adsorption-elution-amplification processes. After enriching, amplifying and recombining, monoclonal antibodies are constructed, as shown in the following figure.

Types of Phage Display System:
In general, the M13 phage system is the most popular choice for phage display and is extensively used in many types of research. Phage display-related services via either T4 or T7 phage systems are also provided to ensure you with various promising alternatives by their particular merits. You only need to provide the antigen, and higher affinity and specificity of monoclonal antibodies can be obtained by sensitizing peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro under our platform.

Service Process:

Service Highlights:

--Extensive experience in antibody engineering development
--Guaranteed high affinity: 10-7 - 10-13M
--Multiple phage display systems: M13, T4, T7
--Large size of libraries: 107 - 1012 independent clones
--Strict quality control
--Various library searching strategies
--One-stop services, including antibody development, antibody sequencing, antibody labeling and related services

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