TIGIT 蛋白在免疫调节中发挥着关键作用,与脊髓灰质炎病毒受体 (PVR) 表现出高亲和力结合。这种相互作用导致 IL10 分泌增加和 IL12B 分泌减少,从而形成免疫抑制环境。TIGIT通过抑制T细胞活化和促进成熟免疫调节树突状细胞的生成进一步发挥其免疫调节作用。在结构上,TIGIT 形成顺式同二聚体,以高亲和力与 PVR 结合,从而产生包含两个 TIGIT 和两个 PVR 分子的异四聚体组装体。此外,TIGIT 与 NECTIN2 和 NECTIN3 的结合亲和力较低,强调了其多种分子相互作用的能力。TIGIT 的多方面功能和结合亲和力凸显了其在免疫调节中的关键作用及其作为调节免疫反应的治疗靶点的潜力。
Immobilized Human TIGIT at 1.5 μg/mL (100 μL/well) can bind Human CD155 with a linear range of 0.15-1.2 μg/mL.
This protein is a member of the PVR (poliovirus receptor) family of immunoglobin proteins. The protein is expressed on several classes of T cells including follicular B helper T cells (TFH). The protein has been shown to bind PVR with high affinity; this binding is thought to assist interactions between TFH and dendritic cells to regulate T cell dependent B cell responses.