重组血小板生成素可减少放射和化疗引起的血小板减少症,增强骨髓移植后的血小板恢复,并增加干细胞收获物中巨核细胞前体细胞的数量。向动物注射血小板生成素可刺激骨髓巨核细胞的数量、大小和倍性,并使血小板计数增加至十倍。超生理量的血小板生成素/TPO (>100 ng/mL) 能够在体外直接激活血小板聚集。血小板生成素/TPO 对血流下的血小板粘附也有显着影响。低血小板生成素/TPO 浓度 (001-1 ng/mL) 可加速血小板与血管性血友病因子的牢固粘附,并防止在较高流速下脱离。
Measured by its ability to activate protein C induced cleavage of the chromogenic substrate, BOC-Asp-Pro Arg-AMC in the presence of thrombin. The specific activity is greater than 500 pmoles/min/ug.
Thrombopoietin (TPO or THPO), also known as myeloproliferative leukemia virus ligand (c-Mpl), is a hematopoietic growth factor belonging to the EPO/TPO family. Megakaryocytopoiesis is the cellular development process that leads to platelet production. TPO is necessary for megakaryocyte proliferation and maturation, as well as for thrombopoiesis. TPO is the ligand for MLP/C_MPL, the product of myeloproliferative leukemia virus oncogene. Mutations in TPO gene are the cause of thrombocythemia .